Celebrating Deaf Awareness Month!

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Amplifying Voices - Are you aware that it's Deaf Awareness Month?

September is Deaf Awareness Month. We celebrate the culture, history, and achievements of the Deaf and hard of hearing community.

In my opinion, it should be every day? We the hearing people must play our part to create awareness around our Deaf community.

This month serves as a reminder that deafness is not a barrier to success or a limitation on one's potential. It's a time to amplify the voices of Deaf individuals, highlighting their unique perspectives, resilience, and contributions to society. It's an opportunity to promote inclusivity, advocate for accessible communication, and foster greater understanding and acceptance of the Deaf community.

Let's join hands in celebrating diversity and promoting a world where everyone's voice is heard and valued.

On the 9th September 2023, we came together to host our yearly Miss, Mr and Mrs/Ms Deaf South Africa pageant in Cape Town.

One of the sponsors, Nolan Pillay from https://www.facebook.com/BTBVOYF said this: “Remember, this competition is not solely about the crown and the title, it's about the profound impact you are making in the lives of those who look up to you. You are all champions, inspiring many others who may be facing challenges.

Janice Jonker, the CEO of MDSA https://www.facebook.com/mdsapageant said this “MDSA is my passion and it inspires me to keep on making a difference in deaf people lives. Receiving positive feedback recently helps me to want to improve for next year. My message to the people out there is to get to know Deaf people, learn some basic sign language. Deaf people are really lovely people once you get to know them, you will enjoy their presence and they will go out of their way to welcome you to their world”.

Sylvia Mojanko - Ms Deaf South Africa 2023 winner said this: “As Ms Deaf South Africa, I would open a small modelling organization that caters for Deaf people from an early age. Even using social platforms to improve Deaf culture. I would want to celebrate Deaf awareness month every year in different areas and make sure every community organization, a small group where parents and young ones get to learn sign language here and there. Motivating would be the first thing to do and show Deaf people that they can become what they want to be and that being Deaf does not mean they are stupid or not loved. I want all the young ones to know that the only difference between Deaf and hearing is language only. The way we communicate is different; it's like not knowing other people's languages and that Deaf people are capable of doing anything in life”.

Monequ Edwards, the winner of Miss Deaf South Africa 2023, stated that her main goal is to have a positive influence on the lives of young Deaf people in our country.I'm dedicated to promoting Deaf culture and empowerment through various initiatives. I plan to participate actively in events and engagements to raise awareness about the Deaf community, breaking stereotypes and demonstrating their potential. Additionally, I'll advocate for equal job opportunities and fair treatment for Deaf individuals in the workplace, sharing success stories to inspire change. Ultimately, my goal is to foster inclusivity and empowerment within the Deaf community, creating a future where they are valued, respected, and given equal opportunities. By collaborating with stakeholders, raising awareness, and advocating for change, we can turn this vision into a reality”.

Justin Makinson - Mr Deaf South Africa 2023 winner said this “I would like to show Deaf youth and children that they can achieve anything in life.”

My message to you is, learn something from our Deaf community.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Enjoy celebrating Deaf Awareness Month!

Much Love and Light



Let’s talk Inclusivity - Celebrating the Rich Tapestry of Humanity!

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I keep preaching on this topic due to what I see very often. In a world marked by diversity in every conceivable form, inclusivity stands as a beacon of hope and progress. It is the philosophy that recognizes the innate worth of every individual, regardless of their background, abilities, beliefs, or circumstances. Inclusivity calls for a society where all are embraced, valued, and given equal opportunities to thrive.

It is the acknowledgment that our differences are not to be feared or ignored but cherished and woven into the vibrant communities. Inclusivity extends a warm welcome to everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or any other defining characteristic. It recognizes that each of us is a unique thread, and together, we create a stronger and more beautiful whole. Think of the spirit of Ubuntu.

Here are some tips on how individuals can take action:

Educate Yourself - start by educating yourself about the issues related to inclusivity, diversity, and equity. Read books, articles, and watch documentaries to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities.

Engage in Dialogue - initiate open and respectful conversations about inclusivity with friends, family, and colleagues. Create spaces where people can share their experiences and perspectives, and actively listen to learn from others.

Challenge Bias and Stereotypes - be mindful of your own biases and work to challenge them. Recognize that everyone has biases, but taking steps to confront and change them is crucial for fostering inclusivity.

Support Inclusive Organizations - seek out and support organizations and initiatives that are dedicated to inclusivity and equity. This could involve volunteering your time, donating, or attending events that promote inclusivity.

Advocate for Change - use your voice and influence to advocate for policies and practices that promote inclusivity at your workplace, in your community, and within institutions. Write letters, attend meetings, or join advocacy groups to effect change.

Start by taking these steps, individuals can contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive world for all. There are many other ways, do research.

Much Love and Light, Nolan