Last week, I became an International Best Selling Author for the second time this year. I did surprise myself again! How did it start?
In January 2021, I found myself in the ICU after being diagnosed with Covid-19 pneumonia, and my oxygen levels had dropped to a critical 58%. I had a near-death experience and spent 13 days in the ICU. I almost gave up on life, but my daughter reminded me that I still had a purpose to fulfil. Eventually, I was able to turn this painful, traumatic experience around and wrote my first book, “My COVID Journey - Mind Hacks and techniques that got me through it”. The book is doing well. You can buy it directly from me. Just email me or get a copy from Amazon.
I created an intention statement when I started writing the book. I read it every day to motivate and inspire myself to finish the book. “I am writing this book for anyone who has lost a loved one through covid, as it allows them to read first-hand what a covid patient goes through, allowing them to reach closure. and I am sharing tools and techniques that can get you through any obstacles you may face in life!”
Back to becoming an International Best Seller in less than a year.
How did this happen?
I met some amazing souls on my journey and aligned with them over the years; we now vibrate at the same frequency. Through these connections, I was able to get my first chapter called “Ignite Your Faith” sponsored. This means someone paid for me to join the team as they saw value in my story and the journey I had travelled. For this, I will be forever thankful and grateful to Barbie Layton - and Lady JB Owen
Ignite Your Faith, dedicated to the late Mrs Deaf South Africa 2019, Khethiwe Madi, became a hit. Mind you, the money made, goes towards building schools throughout the world. My chapter is called “Climbing Towards my Purpose”.
The latest release is called “Ignite Your Courage” where I talk about being Indian in South Africa and the challenges I personally faced. My chapter is called “From Samoosa boy to CEO”, you can get your copy on Amazon.
Take the leap, and get your book started. I guarantee you that the feeling is one of bliss. You got this!
Much Love and Light, Nolan