“Life does not have to end where you started!”

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Dad used to work as a waiter back then and Mum worked in a shoe factory, earning small salaries that could barely cover the household bills. We would often try to watch the neighbour’s TV through a small gap in the fence until we were spotted, and the door would slam in our faces. Some days, we found ourselves without electricity and had to study using a very small candle, and it was not due to load shedding.

Our parents always enforced that we get a good education as this would help us to get better jobs. Though, I often ponder whether this was really true, as my strong values got me to where I am now. Looking back, I see value in education, but I didn’t do well at school and still managed to become successful.

As far back as I can remember, South Africa was going through something called Apartheid, a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that was enforced from 1948 to the early 1990s. The term “apartheid” is an Afrikaans word meaning “apartness.” Racial classification determined where individuals could live, work, and receive education. Non-white individuals were required to carry passbooks that contained personal information and proof of permission to be in certain areas.

These were called Dompass, literally meaning the “stupid pass” or domestic passport. These laws restricted our movement and employment opportunities.

Once when I was about fourteen years old, I recall being beaten with a baton by a white Afrikaner policeman because I was in the city center after curfew. His baton was made of thick, hard plastic and could cause bruising or even more severe wounds, including bone fractures, nerve or muscle damage, and internal injuries. Luckily, my muscles took the impact.

Still, to this day, being an Indian in South Africa is extremely difficult as we are always in the middle and lose many benefits through various systems implemented by the government. As an Indian, it feels like we fell through the gaps in society and do not have access to the same opportunities. We are either not Black enough or not White enough. It’s a sad state of affairs, but we do our best to become successful.

Nothing will hold us back as we believe in our God-given potential.

How did I transform you may ask? I made the decision to become the best version of myself!

~Nolan Pillay~ My Website

The alarm clock went off. It was 5 AM, cold and dark....

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The alarm clock went off. It was 5 AM, cold and dark. Some mornings, I was so unmotivated to move, I was even in tears, wishing I could lay in my warm floor bed a little longer. But we didn’t have a choice; our survival depended on me getting out of bed.

As a 10-year-old Indian boy, my siblings and I used to go out early every morning selling Indian delicacies, including the most delicious Samoosa’s that our mum used to make. Life was very simple back then. If you did not make a sale, it just meant we would not have money to buy groceries for our supper or lunch the next day. I remember times when dinner was just a glass of water or a cup of tea. My stomach would growl with hunger, but I blocked it out of my mind as there was no other option.

There was a mixture of pride and shame when we went out. I noticed the judgment on people’s faces when they opened the door to me with my basket of delicacies in hand, ready to be sold. Yet, I was glad to be helping my family. The excitement when making a sale was so fulfilling that it motivated us to venture out daily. It was a proud moment, and we all celebrated together.

Our family was made up of 7, including Mum, Dad, 2 sisters, and 3 brothers. We also had a few dogs through the years. Our home was a 1-bedroom brick house with the lounge made into a bedroom for the children, divided by a makeshift curtain and a bedsheet on a string. The toilets were outside, a few meters away, so we had to brave the trip, no matter the weather. Our wash basin was a small steel bowl, and charcoal was toothpaste for us when we could not afford the luxury.

Life was not easy in South Africa, but we were grateful that we had our family together.

As a young boy, I recall some days going to school with torn shoes or no jersey on a bitter, rainy day. Other children used to make fun of us all the time…something people call bullying these days. It was hurtful, and it took a lot of courage not to start fighting those mean kids. We knew what would happen if we did, getting into fights would mean a beating from our parents and from the school principal, so we did not take the risk and accepted what came our way.

Today, when I look back on my life, I feel so proud as an Indian man who continued my pursuit of becoming the best version of myself, amidst all the obstacles and challenges along the journey.

Life is a blessing in disguise…my transformation continues, so can yours!

~Nolan Pillay~ My Website

Have you ever wondered how resilient you are?

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Obstacles Make You Stronger!

In a world where obstacles often define our journey, our response to them shapes our character and strength. Resiliency is the art of bouncing back from adversity, standing strong in the face of challenges, and finding the courage to keep moving forward. It's not just about enduring tough times, it's about growing through them, emerging stronger, and more capable than before.

May of you may know the challenges and obstacles I have overcome, it was not an easy journey and I know that there will be more, the difference is, I am better equipped to handle anything thrown my way.

Life has taught me not to see life's hurdles as roadblocks, when they are opportunities for resilience, growth, and empowerment. After careful consideration, I decided to write a program about the journey and share these experiences with the world. This program is live and available here Obstacles Make You Stronger

Through a series of insightful lessons and engaging exercises, this course serves as a compass, guiding participants through self-discovery, reframing setbacks as catalysts for growth, and mastering the art of resilience. You'll explore strategies to embrace difficulties, cultivate a positive mindset, and leverage adversity to fuel personal and professional development.

Obstacles Make You Stronger is more than just a course, it's a roadmap to unlock your fullest potential. Discover how to navigate obstacles with grace, turning them into opportunities that propel you towards success. You will learn to harness the power within to not just overcome challenges but to thrive in their midst.

In summary, this course isn't just about overcoming hurdles, it's about transforming them into stepping stones towards greatness. Join us on this transformative journey and witness how obstacles can indeed make you stronger.

Enroll today and enjoy the discounted price.

Much Love and Light, Nolan

You too can become an International Best Selling Author!

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Last week, I became an International Best Selling Author for the second time this year. I did surprise myself again! How did it start?

In January 2021, I found myself in the ICU after being diagnosed with Covid-19 pneumonia, and my oxygen levels had dropped to a critical 58%. I had a near-death experience and spent 13 days in the ICU. I almost gave up on life, but my daughter reminded me that I still had a purpose to fulfil. Eventually, I was able to turn this painful, traumatic experience around and wrote my first book, “My COVID Journey - Mind Hacks and techniques that got me through it”. The book is doing well. You can buy it directly from me. Just email me or get a copy from Amazon.

I created an intention statement when I started writing the book. I read it every day to motivate and inspire myself to finish the book. “I am writing this book for anyone who has lost a loved one through covid, as it allows them to read first-hand what a covid patient goes through, allowing them to reach closure. and I am sharing tools and techniques that can get you through any obstacles you may face in life!”

Back to becoming an International Best Seller in less than a year.

How did this happen?

I met some amazing souls on my journey and aligned with them over the years; we now vibrate at the same frequency. Through these connections, I was able to get my first chapter called “Ignite Your Faith” sponsored. This means someone paid for me to join the team as they saw value in my story and the journey I had travelled. For this, I will be forever thankful and grateful to Barbie Layton - and Lady JB Owen

Ignite Your Faith, dedicated to the late Mrs Deaf South Africa 2019, Khethiwe Madi, became a hit. Mind you, the money made, goes towards building schools throughout the world. My chapter is called “Climbing Towards my Purpose”.

The latest release is called “Ignite Your Courage” where I talk about being Indian in South Africa and the challenges I personally faced. My chapter is called “From Samoosa boy to CEO”, you can get your copy on Amazon.

Take the leap, and get your book started. I guarantee you that the feeling is one of bliss. You got this!

Much Love and Light, Nolan

Empower 360 - Navigating the Path to Professional Excellence

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Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our sponsors, attendees, speakers, video team, and our MC for making our last summit an astounding success. Your support and enthusiasm lit up the event, and our entire team is filled with gratitude for your participation.

Here is a short video snippet from the summit.

We had an amazing first summit where we discovered and empowered ourselves. Now, I'm excited to announce our second summit, Empower 360, which will be even more transformative and inspiring.

This time we have a Professional Youth Panel, sharing their challenges and experiences through life.

At our previous summit, we were privileged to gather a league of renowned experts from diverse fields, each armed with invaluable wisdom that guided us towards a harmonious fusion of soulful purpose, mental clarity, physical vitality, and wealth creation. Our speakers, ranging from spiritual gurus who profoundly moved us to financial moguls who enlightened our minds, generously imparted their wisdom, equipping us with the essential tools needed to unleash our limitless potential.

At our last summit, we learned that our journeys are unique, and that true success starts by taking care of our soul, mind, and body.

Throughout the summit, we learned how to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves, finding our true purpose and passion.

Our health experts shared invaluable tips on nutrition, exercise, and self-care, emphasizing that a healthy body is the foundation of a successful life. We left the summit feeling energized and ready to overcome any challenges.

Perhaps one of the most empowering aspects of the summit was the financial knowledge and strategies shared by our experts. They equipped us with the skills needed to manage our finances effectively, invest wisely, and create multiple streams of income.

But the summit was more than just gaining knowledge; it was about connecting with like-minded individuals who are all about personal growth and success. It provided the perfect platform to engage in meaningful conversations, build lifelong connections, and collaborate on exciting projects that can change the world. Listen to what our attendees had to say.

The Soul + Mind + Body And Wealth Summit is more than just an event. It's a transformative experience that will guide you towards greatness.

Imagine leaving the summit with a renewed sense of purpose, a clear vision for your future, and the tools to turn your dreams into reality.

Don't miss this chance to be part of something extraordinary!

Click on this link to secure your tickets in advance as they are limited, strictly no walk-ins allowed.

Much Love and Light, Nolan

Celebrating Deaf Awareness Month!

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Amplifying Voices - Are you aware that it's Deaf Awareness Month?

September is Deaf Awareness Month. We celebrate the culture, history, and achievements of the Deaf and hard of hearing community.

In my opinion, it should be every day? We the hearing people must play our part to create awareness around our Deaf community.

This month serves as a reminder that deafness is not a barrier to success or a limitation on one's potential. It's a time to amplify the voices of Deaf individuals, highlighting their unique perspectives, resilience, and contributions to society. It's an opportunity to promote inclusivity, advocate for accessible communication, and foster greater understanding and acceptance of the Deaf community.

Let's join hands in celebrating diversity and promoting a world where everyone's voice is heard and valued.

On the 9th September 2023, we came together to host our yearly Miss, Mr and Mrs/Ms Deaf South Africa pageant in Cape Town.

One of the sponsors, Nolan Pillay from https://www.facebook.com/BTBVOYF said this: “Remember, this competition is not solely about the crown and the title, it's about the profound impact you are making in the lives of those who look up to you. You are all champions, inspiring many others who may be facing challenges.

Janice Jonker, the CEO of MDSA https://www.facebook.com/mdsapageant said this “MDSA is my passion and it inspires me to keep on making a difference in deaf people lives. Receiving positive feedback recently helps me to want to improve for next year. My message to the people out there is to get to know Deaf people, learn some basic sign language. Deaf people are really lovely people once you get to know them, you will enjoy their presence and they will go out of their way to welcome you to their world”.

Sylvia Mojanko - Ms Deaf South Africa 2023 winner said this: “As Ms Deaf South Africa, I would open a small modelling organization that caters for Deaf people from an early age. Even using social platforms to improve Deaf culture. I would want to celebrate Deaf awareness month every year in different areas and make sure every community organization, a small group where parents and young ones get to learn sign language here and there. Motivating would be the first thing to do and show Deaf people that they can become what they want to be and that being Deaf does not mean they are stupid or not loved. I want all the young ones to know that the only difference between Deaf and hearing is language only. The way we communicate is different; it's like not knowing other people's languages and that Deaf people are capable of doing anything in life”.

Monequ Edwards, the winner of Miss Deaf South Africa 2023, stated that her main goal is to have a positive influence on the lives of young Deaf people in our country.I'm dedicated to promoting Deaf culture and empowerment through various initiatives. I plan to participate actively in events and engagements to raise awareness about the Deaf community, breaking stereotypes and demonstrating their potential. Additionally, I'll advocate for equal job opportunities and fair treatment for Deaf individuals in the workplace, sharing success stories to inspire change. Ultimately, my goal is to foster inclusivity and empowerment within the Deaf community, creating a future where they are valued, respected, and given equal opportunities. By collaborating with stakeholders, raising awareness, and advocating for change, we can turn this vision into a reality”.

Justin Makinson - Mr Deaf South Africa 2023 winner said this “I would like to show Deaf youth and children that they can achieve anything in life.”

My message to you is, learn something from our Deaf community.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Enjoy celebrating Deaf Awareness Month!

Much Love and Light



Let’s talk Inclusivity - Celebrating the Rich Tapestry of Humanity!

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I keep preaching on this topic due to what I see very often. In a world marked by diversity in every conceivable form, inclusivity stands as a beacon of hope and progress. It is the philosophy that recognizes the innate worth of every individual, regardless of their background, abilities, beliefs, or circumstances. Inclusivity calls for a society where all are embraced, valued, and given equal opportunities to thrive.

It is the acknowledgment that our differences are not to be feared or ignored but cherished and woven into the vibrant communities. Inclusivity extends a warm welcome to everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or any other defining characteristic. It recognizes that each of us is a unique thread, and together, we create a stronger and more beautiful whole. Think of the spirit of Ubuntu.

Here are some tips on how individuals can take action:

Educate Yourself - start by educating yourself about the issues related to inclusivity, diversity, and equity. Read books, articles, and watch documentaries to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities.

Engage in Dialogue - initiate open and respectful conversations about inclusivity with friends, family, and colleagues. Create spaces where people can share their experiences and perspectives, and actively listen to learn from others.

Challenge Bias and Stereotypes - be mindful of your own biases and work to challenge them. Recognize that everyone has biases, but taking steps to confront and change them is crucial for fostering inclusivity.

Support Inclusive Organizations - seek out and support organizations and initiatives that are dedicated to inclusivity and equity. This could involve volunteering your time, donating, or attending events that promote inclusivity.

Advocate for Change - use your voice and influence to advocate for policies and practices that promote inclusivity at your workplace, in your community, and within institutions. Write letters, attend meetings, or join advocacy groups to effect change.

Start by taking these steps, individuals can contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive world for all. There are many other ways, do research.

Much Love and Light, Nolan

Happy Friday

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Let’s make the time to reflect on your week as it comes to an end and make the most of the final day. Use Friday, to finish your tasks, projects, or goals on a high note.

The points I would like to share,
Reflection - As the workweek draws to a close, it's a good time to assess what you've accomplished during the week. Take a moment to review your goals and tasks, both personal and professional.

Finish Strong - The quote emphasizes the importance of putting in your best effort on Friday, just as you would at the start of the week. It's a reminder not to let your energy and motivation wane as the week progresses.

Regret-Free - By giving your best effort on Friday and wrapping up the week's tasks effectively, you reduce the chances of feeling regretful about missed opportunities or uncompleted tasks later on. This proactive approach can lead to a more fulfilling and productive week.

Weekend Preparation - A strong Friday wrap-up also sets the stage for a more relaxed and enjoyable weekend. When you've tied up loose ends and finished your week's work, you can enter the weekend with a sense of accomplishment and a clear mind, allowing you to truly unwind and recharge.

In a nutshell, this quote encourages you to approach every Friday as an opportunity to make the most of your week and to set yourself up for a rewarding weekend.

Connect with nolan@nolanpillay360.com to hire me to speak at your #corporateevents.


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Here is how I interpret this quote? Would love to read your interpretation. "Resilience is not the absence of adversity but the ability to adapt and thrive despite it." Resilience is not about avoiding difficult situations or challenges in life. Instead, it's about having the strength and capability to face these challenges head-on. Resilient individuals don't shy away from adversity, they confront it with courage and a positive attitude. They don't let obstacles define them, instead, they find ways to adapt and continue moving forward. With my covid experience, I was admitted with 58% oxygen levels, spent 13 days in the ICU, faced trauma daily, here I am today sharing my experience with you all. Find my book on Amazon to read the full experience.

"In every challenge, there is an opportunity to grow stronger." I would like to highlight the idea that challenges, setbacks, and difficulties are not roadblocks but stepping stones. It means that when you encounter tough times or obstacles, you have the chance to learn, develop new skills, and become a stronger person as a result. Resilient individuals view challenges as opportunities for personal growth and improvement, rather than as insurmountable problems. During my covid journey, I was able to turn my painful covid experience into a success story and became a first time Author. Talk about being resilient.

In essence, resilience is about facing challenges with a positive and adaptive mindset, knowing that these challenges can actually make you stronger and better equipped to handle future obstacles. It's a reminder that adversity is a natural part of life, and how we respond to it can determine our personal growth and success.

Connect with nolan@nolanpillay360.com to hire me to speak at your #corporateevents.

Mindset Monday

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Let's break down this quote and elaborate on its meaning,

"Embrace the power of a growth mindset on this Mindset Monday" This encourages you to adopt a "growth mindset." A growth mindset is a belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved through effort, learning, and perseverance.

"Every challenge is an opportunity to learn" Challenges and difficulties in life are presented as opportunities rather than obstacles. Instead of being discouraged by challenges, you can see them as chances to gain new knowledge, skills, and experiences. Each challenge you face can teach you something valuable.

"Every setback is a stepping stone to success" Setbacks, which are moments of failure or disappointment, are viewed as necessary steps on the path to success. They provide valuable lessons and experiences that can help you grow and move closer to your goals. In essence, setbacks are not roadblocks but rather stepping stones that elevate you towards your desired achievements.

Basically, this quote is a reminder to approach each Monday with a positive and growth-oriented mindset. It encourages you to see challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth and to view setbacks as essential components of your journey to success. By embracing this mindset, you can navigate life's challenges with resilience and optimism, ultimately moving closer to your goals and aspirations.

We invite you to learn more about our 8-month “Let’s Think and Grow Rich - Positive Mental Attitude - Science of Success” course starting soon.

Connect with nolan@nolanpillay360.com for more info.